P-F18: Second Biennial Commish A.M.A. (Week 11 NCAA Bonus)

Commish: It is an a sk me anything again! But hopefully something you haven't already asked. Let’s press the triangle button. Guru (ANe): What's your inspiration? Commish: Two years ago someone asked what motivates me, and I answered "impressing someone with something they weren’t expecting." But this question feels different. * You all* are the inspiration. You bring feeling to my life. You're the inspiration. Want to have you near me. I want to have you hear me saaayinnng. "No one needs you more than I -- need -- yooouuu." Katy Tigers (RH): Was the First Biennial Pickem Dash Football successful and/or enlightening? Commish: Inspiring, stimulating, introspective, and all of the above. Read all about it here . Must be the Salsa (CK): What are you wearing? Commish: Summer clothes in the winter. If you mean under those, I'm a fan of MeUndies. Something Creative (KS): What is your favorite beer? Commish: I've tasted a lot of great be...